Baked marinated salmon with scallions
This is great and easy to make. The recipe utilizes salmon which enhances Kidney Qi and scallions benefit the Liver. Preheat the oven to 425º and then bake the fish with this rule in mind: For each inch of thickness of the fish (measuring at its thickest part), bake it for 10 minutes.
4 or 5 scallions, washed and trimmed, then cut in half lengthwise
Marinade (see recipe below)
Salmon (about 1 pound) marinated overnight
1. Cover the bottom of a baking dish with oil. (For an 8-inch by 12-inch baking dish use about 5 tablespoons of oil.)
2. Line the bottom of the oiled dish with about ¾ of the scallions and spoon about ½ of the marinade over the scallions.
3. Place the fish in the center of the dish on the bed of scallions already covered with marinade.
4. Spoon the remaining marinade over the fish and toss the remaining scallions over the marinade.
5. Cover the dish with foil and refrigerate, allowing the fish to marinate overnight (if you are really pressed for time, this step can be several hours, however, the flavor is best when more time is allowed).
6. Remove dish from refrigerator and bake uncovered at 425º until fish is fully cooked. Serve hot.
The Marinade
This recipe makes about 5 to 6 tablespoons of marinade, which is enough for approximately 1 pound of fish. The various sauces used in this marinade can be found at your local Asian food market.
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
2 tablespoons of soy sauce (try mushroom-flavored soy sauce for a treat)
½ teaspoon of fish sauce
2 teaspoons of finely chopped ginger root
Combine all ingredients thoroughly in a small mixing bowl.
A big thanks to American Healing Technologies, Inc. for the recipe!!!!